Rory Hancock

Rory Hancock

Rory’s photorealistic oil paintings exploring the seductive nature of high glamour and society’s preoccupation with materialism have made him a star artist of his generation.

Fascinated with consumerism and trends, he takes inspiration from glossy high-fashion magazines; he is greatly influenced by Andy Warhol’s innovative take on consumerism which, he says, changed the landscape of the art world and made people more knowledgeable about advertising, marketing-hype and propaganda. Rory manipulates images which were created to sell a product, subverting them into something thought-provoking, excessive and, sometimes, macabre in order to sell an idea of the times we live in instead. He is a gifted photographer and works with his own models to prepare for each portrait; he is inspired by photographers such as David LaChapelle, Pierre et Gilles and Miles Aldridge who share a colourful, high-glamour luxury aesthetic which hides a darker side.

His exhibition Vermillionaire at 71a Gallery in Shoreditch was featured in Huck Magazine under the title “What it’s really like to be a young, break-out artist”.

“Art can tell us something of our own times and can be an important piece of evidence of who we were, for the future. This work is something of a reflection of that.”

Work exhibited in galleries in London and the provinces and New Delhi.

Rory Hancock

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